
I have attempted to write this post approximately ten times now, people who know me will know I have the gift of the gab so me being stuck for words is a very rare occasion.

12 months on from the trek, Han’s 24th birthday. I am lost for words. I mentioned to Mum about inspiration last night and it stuck with me. I think it appropriate to thank those who inspire me on this day.

So firstly, I would like to write a paragraph for my Amazing Mum.

Peoples generosity inspires me daily, My mum has the biggest heart of all the people I know. And I believe that the success of ride4acure can be credited to the absolute commitment Mum has made to making a difference for other young people walking in Han’s shoes going through the melanoma journey as a young person. Mum you are my inspiration. You were there for Han every step of the way living with Melanoma, you have been there for Joe and I after Han’s passing. You were the backbone of the 2011 Coast2Coast horsetrek, I jokingly say all the time that Mum you are the brains of this operation! I might have been the one with the bum in the saddle, but Mum was the driving force behind all of the ride4acure adventures. I cannot put praise enough for mum on paper (or on a computer screen!!)

Secondly, a MASSIVE HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY TO MY EQUALLY INCREDIBLE OLDER SISTER. I know you are not here to celebrate with us today Han but there will be many a glass raised in your name tonight. Not a day goes by without you in my thoughts and heart.

Thirdly, I have three horses, Titan, Meg and Surprise sitting in a feed lot paddock here in Glen Innes with me. They have covered every mile I have ever asked them without questioning, hesitating or complaining. I feel the greatest debt of gratitude towards these three. I am fortunate enough to be in a position where I can have my crew back together again. It means the world to me to be able to lay a hand on each of their foreheads this morning and remember the great Triumphs and the great cost of the Trek physically for myself and my horses .

On this day 12months ago I embarked on a 4600+km journey with three horses, three dogs and My Mum and Brother Joe. I thank all of the people that made that possible, all of our sponsors, without them the  2011 Coast2Coast horsetrek would still be a dream for me. All of the people that helped bring my massive aspirations to reality, I thankyou from the bottom of my heart.

So again, THANK YOU. 

Happy Trails. Xx Es

Meg at work at Rangers Valley Feedlot Glen Innes NSW Still loving and using our Muddy Creek Rain Gear!

Jumping at Rangers Valley Glen Innes 2012

Surprise turned out at Glen Innes 2012 after driving all the way to Booleroo Centre SA to pick him up



One Response to “Inspiration”

  1. Jan Johnston Says:

    Esther I just wanted to let you know that we received Jimmys money and to thank you very much, Bronc is so happy that you have him and are getting on with him.

    I have not read this post previously, I was just looking for some way to contact you and read this post, I cant imagine how proud of you your mother must be, you are all an inspiration to everyone who knows you.

    It was in May when Suzanna learned of her cancer, just before Mothers Day, and just 2 weeks later when her father had his stroke. I wish I had logged on and read your Inspiration, you cant imagine how often I think of you guys and I dont mean only since May, keep your Inspiration for your children and grandchildren so they may have a little understanding of their family.

    Regards and always Best Wishes Jan

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