‘Set your goals in cement, plans in the sand’: almost August 2012

Three years ago I set a goal toput melanoma on the map after Hannah’s death at 20.  Over that three years I’ve spoken with over 22 000 young Australians as I’ve shared  ‘Mela-What?’ the multimedia presentation  across the country. The plans created to do this shift and change but my eyes always firmly on the goal (love that quote).

Throughout 2010 and 2011 on the two horse treks, schools across the country asked if I had an online resource young people and communities could access.  I didn’t then butl I can say now  I DO!!  Mela-What? online is just about complete and watch this space for details of launch and roll out.

This project was possible because so many good people have contributed. Firstly the incredible people I’ve met who put their hands up to share stories of their own journeys with melanoma, families of young people who’ve lost their precious lives to melanoma, and friends of Hannah’s who’ve shared their story of losing a mate and their learning about melanoma from that.  The production was made possible because of the NBN project EduOne  (University New England UNE), New England TAFE and the Australian Government and of course Esther and Joe for their continuing support and contribution.

Under construction at present is a new website that will be a portal to access the resource www.mela-what.com.au .  Great  news also two of my good friends, who have behind the scenes, kept this website ticking for three years now Rob Handelsman and Chris Chaplin are revamping ride4acure site so watch this space. …..my heart is full of gratitude to you both xxx

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