About ride4acure

The aim of ride4acure – Hannah Rose Melanoma Research Fund is to raise both funds and awareness of adolescent and young adult melanoma, to support vital research, improve treatments and ultimately a cure.

For all the latest news, read the blog.

Today’s research is tomorrow’s cure…

ride4acure – upcoming event bike ride Kempsey Mid North Coast NSW to PeterMac Melbourne VIC – 1500kms.

Kempsey to Melbourne ride4acure

Google Map of approximate route is here.

Leave Kempsey 21/10/09 – Arrive Melb 26/11/09

G’day my name is Maura Luxford and I am riding my bike from Kempsey on the Mid-North Coast of NSW to Melbourne along both the Pacific and Hume Highways. Some of the towns I’m visiting are Tea Gardens, Clarence Town, Canberra, Wangarratta, Kilmore, Romsey to Melbourne approx 1500 kms. If your en route (Pacific or Hume or close to it) please make contact – maura@ride4acure.com.au – I’m happy to visit where I’m invited! Am teeing up meetings in schools, Rotary and Lions Clubs and a few pubs along the way.

I’m doing this to raise funds to support research into adolescent and young adult melanoma. I’m motivated by the loss of my own daughter Hannah Rose Luxford-Matthew’s life at Christmas 2008 to this insideous disease. Hannah was only 20 years old. All donations given to the Hannah Rose Melanoma Research Fund are targeted for research. The first year target is $150 000.

I’m taking 38 days to complete the journey stopping at many town en route to promote awareness regarding melanoma and skin cancer. Melanoma is the leading cancer in young people and cancer in general is the second biggest cause of death in young people in Australia next to car accidents.

You can follow the Blog here.