Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2012

Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2012

2012 saw me studying with the School of Social Entrepreneurs in Sydney and culminating on Wednesday 21.11.12 being awarded Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2012.  This incredible opportunity enabled me to ‘sharpen’ the business of making change happen with ‘Mela-What?’ and ride4acure.  Am thrilled to the core to have been voted Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 and want to encourage people to ‘make change happen’.

Looking back over the last three years with ride4acure and Mela-What? i’d never dreamed so much could be have achieved when I began pedaling in 2009. Thank you to all those who’ve been ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with me on this journey from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to all the people who’ve ‘heard’ and taken steps in their own lives and the lives of their families to change habits and help educate others to take care of the skin their in.

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